In 2002-03 police forces in Scotland cleared up nearly 47 per cent of crimes, continuing an improving trend. Police forces also met new Scotland-wide targets for reducing crime in areas such as housebreaking and drug seizures. However, the number of serious violent crimes had increased.
Source: Police & Fire Performance Indicators 2002/03, Audit Scotland (0131 477 1234)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2003-Dec
A report evaluated the effectiveness of legislation in Scotland against domestic violence. The legislation appeared to have been successful in increasing access to powers of arrest.
Source: Kate Cavanagh, Clare Connelly and Jane Scoular, An Evaluation of the Protection From Abuse (Scotland) Act 2001, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Summary
Date: 2003-Nov
An audit report said that around 75 per cent of children in Scotland on statutory supervision (for reasons which included offending) appeared to be receiving the required level of service from councils: but hundreds were not. Most councils were providing the required levels of supervision: but the evidence pointed to problems in some. Around half the children on supervision did not see their social workers often.
Source: Dealing with Offending by Young People: Follow-up report, Audit Scotland for Accounts Commission and Auditor General (0131 477 1234)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2003-Nov
An audit report said that around 75 per cent of children in Scotland on statutory supervision (for reasons which included offending) appeared to be receiving the required level of service from councils: but hundreds were not. Most councils were providing the required levels of supervision: but the evidence pointed to problems in some. Around half the children on supervision did not see their social workers often.
Source: Dealing with Offending by Young People: Follow-up report, Audit Scotland for Accounts Commission and Auditor General (0131 477 1234)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2003-Nov
A Bill was published to tackle anti-social behaviour in Scotland. Key provisions of the Bill included: extension of anti-social behaviour orders to under-16s; parenting orders; electronic monitoring (tagging) of under-16s; a ban on the sale of spray paint to under-16s; anti-social behaviour strategies in local authority areas; more effective anti-social behaviour orders; targeted powers to disperse groups; enhanced noise nuisance powers; environmental measures tackling fly-tipping and litter; community reparation orders; and fixed penalties for anti-social behaviour. Campaigners said the Scottish Executive should recognise its own responsibility to invest in long-term solutions which tackled the root causes of anti-social behaviour.
Source: Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Press release 30 October 2003, Scottish Council for Single Homeless (0131 226 4382)
Links: Text of Bill (pdf) | Explanatory notes (pdf) | Policy memorandum (pdf) | SE press release | SCSH press release
Date: 2003-Oct
A report said that anti-social behaviour was a serious problem in local communities in Scotland, and that there was widespread support for official measures to tackle it.
Source: John Flint, Rowland Atkinson and Suzie Scott, A Report on the Consultation Responses to Putting Our Communities First: A strategy for tackling anti-social behaviour, Department of Urban Studies/University of Glasgow (0141 330 5048) | Press release 30 October 2003, Scottish Council for Single Homeless (0131 226 4382)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Summary | SE press release | Consultation document
Date: 2003-Oct
A Bill was published to reform criminal justice procedures in Scotland. Proposals included removing cases from the High Court that could be dealt with adequately by sheriffs; a mandatory preliminary hearing in the High Court to enable the judge to ensure that all parties in a case were ready to go to trial; fixed trial dates; and extra time for the defence to prepare for trial.
Source: Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Text of Bill (pdf) | Explanatory notes (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2003-Oct
Researchers in Scotland found that mediation in neighbour disputes had a high proportion of positive outcomes, although outcomes recorded by mediation services were not necessarily consistent with the views of participants. Legal action could produce positive outcomes in the short term for neighbours affected by anti-social behaviour, but could also displace problems into other areas.
Source: Alison Brown, Aileen Barclay, Richard Simmons and Susan Eley, The Role of Mediation in Tackling Neighbour Disputes and Anti-Social Behaviour, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Date: 2003-Sep
The Scottish Executive published a strategy for the eradication of domestic abuse. The strategy concentrated on preventative measures, including working with and challenging men who used violence, strategies for the workplace, better training for professional workers, raising public awareness, and greater use of education.
Source: Preventing Domestic Abuse: National strategy, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report | SE press release
Date: 2003-Sep
A report said that drug courts were likely to be viable in Scotland, and could prove to be effective in addressing drug- related crime.
Source: Gill McIvor, Susan Eley, Margaret Malloch and Rowdy Yates, Establishing Drug Courts in Scotland: Early experiences of the pilot drug courts in Glasgow and Fife, Research Findings 71, Scottish Executive (0131 244-2097)
Links: Report (pdf) | Glasgow findings | Fife findings | Fife full report | SE press release (1)
Date: 2003-Aug
An official review of licensing laws in Scotland recommended allowing 24-hour drinking in selected areas, while imposing stricter codes of conduct for licensees, in an effort to cut alcohol-related crime and illness. The proposal were endorsed by the Scottish Executive and issued for consultation.
Source: The Nicholson Committee Review of Liquor Licensing Law in Scotland, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Press release 19.8.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | SE press release
Date: 2003-Aug
The Scottish Executive published a consultation document on measures (similar to those in England) to combat anti-social behaviour, ahead of promised legislation. Proposals included extending anti-social behaviour orders to children aged 12-15; 'focused, visible' community reparation orders; parenting orders requiring parents to act in the best interests of their children; and extending the availability of electronic tagging of children. A children's charity attacked the proposals for failing to tackle the root causes of the problem.
Source: Putting our Communities First: Strategy for tackling anti-social behaviour, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566) | Press release 26.6.03, Abelour Child Care Trust (0131 669 5190)
Links: Consultation document | SE press release | Aberlour Child Care Trust response
Date: 2003-Jun
The Scottish Executive published a White Paper on reform of the High Court of Justiciary, aimed at greater efficiency, reduced delays and uncertainty, and at ensuring the Court dealt only with the most serious crimes. There would be a mandatory preliminary hearing for all cases, to ensure that the prosecution and the defence were ready to proceed before a trial date was set. Sentencing powers in sheriff and jury cases would be increased from three to five years.
Source: Modernising Justice in Scotland: Reform of the High Court of Justiciary, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: White Paper | SE press release
Date: 2003-Jun
The police inspectorate published a report on police race relations in Scotland, with 24 recommendations to chief constables - including ensuring proper attention to community cohesion and stability across Scotland.
Source: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, Pride and Prejudice: Review of police race relations in Scotland, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report | SE press release
Date: 2003-Jun
The Scottish Executive published a Bill providing that children under the age of 12 would no longer have to come to court to give evidence in sexual or violent crime cases.
Source: Vulnerable Witnesses (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Bill (pdf) | SE press release | Children 1st press release
Date: 2003-Jun
Details were published of an Anti-social Behaviour Bill in Scotland. Key measures included provision for: an extension of anti-social behaviour orders to children under 16; parenting orders for use where parents 'refuse to take their responsibilities seriously'; a ban on the sale of spray paint to children under 16; and tagging for children under 16.
Source: Press release 28.5.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-May
Proposals were published by the Scottish police inspectorate, designed to put the needs of victims and their families at the heart of criminal investigations.
Source: Relatively Speaking - Thematic inspection of family liaison in Scotland, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | SE press release
Date: 2003-May
The Scottish Executive began consultation on detailed proposals for neighbourhood wardens and other community-based initiatives to tackle anti-social behaviour
Source: Building Strong, Safe and Attractive Communities, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Consultation document (pdf) | Consultation document
Date: 2003-Mar
The Scottish Executive announced that a 'National Criminal Justice System Board', made up of the chief officers of the main criminal justice agencies, would be established in Scotland. For the first time, targets would be set to enable the performance of the whole system to be monitored. This followed an official review of the aims, objectives and targets of the criminal justice system.
Source: Press release 19.3.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Andrew Normand, Criminal Justice System Objectives Review: Proposals for the integration of aims, objectives and targets in the Scottish criminal justice system, Crown Agent and Procurator Fiscal Office (0131 226 2626)
Links: Report (part 1) (pdf) | Report Annexes (pdf) | Report | SE press release
Date: 2003-Mar
A committee of the Scottish Parliament said that short-term prison sentences offer only limited opportunities for rehabilitation, and that community alternatives to custody should be actively promoted and resourced for minor offences where a longer sentence is clearly inappropriate.
Source: Inquiry into Alternatives to Custody, Third Report 2003, SP Paper 826, Scottish Parliament Justice 1 Committee, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report
Date: 2003-Mar
The Scottish Executive announced four in-court advice pilot projects for defendants without legal representation.
Source: Press release 21.3.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-Mar
A report proposed strengthening existing throughcare arrangements, and building closer working relationships between the agencies involved, to help tackle re-offending rates by improving support for prisoners moving back into the community. The Scottish Executive said it supported the initiative.
Source: Throughcare Developing the Service: Report of the Tripartite Group, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Press release 25.2.03, Scottish Executive
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Press release
Date: 2003-Feb
The Scottish Executive announced a wide-ranging package of reforms to the civil legal aid system in Scotland. It said the reforms were intended to streamline the system, improve access to justice, ensure quality service for the client, increase the fees paid for legal aid work, and deliver more efficient administration.
Source: Press release 18.2.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Press release
Date: 2003-Feb
The Scottish Executive published a policy statement on support for vulnerable witness in criminal cases. It highlighted the need for early identification of vulnerable witnesses by the police, legal profession and other agencies.
Source: Vital Voices: Helping vulnerable witnesses give evidence, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Policy Statement (pdf) | Policy Statement
Date: 2003-Feb
The Scottish Executive said it will amend the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill to help curb anti-social behaviour. New interim anti-social behaviour orders will be available pending application for a substantive order. The power to apply for orders (including interim orders) will be extended to registered social landlords, including housing associations. There will be a new duty on police and councils to exchange information and work together to tackle anti-social behaviour.
Source: Press release 17.2.03, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Press release | Text of Bill (pdf)
Date: 2003-Feb
A progress report said that 'unprecedented progress' has been made on issues concerning crime victims in Scotland - including the establishment of a witness service in all 49 Sheriff Courts, a new website for victims of crime, and plans for a pilot victim statements scheme.
Source: Scottish Strategy for Victims: Progress report, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report (pdf) | Report | Press release
Date: 2003-Feb
A report argued against the use of imprisonment for drug-use offences, based on considerations of penal justice, cost effectiveness, harm prevention and social inclusion.
Source: Making Sense of Drugs and Crime: Drugs, Crime and Penal Policy, Scottish Consortium on Crime & Criminal Justice (0131 669 4484)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2003-Jan